Unable to verify my site as an owner

There are 2 methods to verify your site:

1. E-mail method: You need to have an e-mail address on that domain and just enter your e-mail account name inside the form (Not the full email!) if your Traffic Exchange is on example.com and you have an e-mail admin@example.com, you need to enter "admin" only in the form.

2. File Upload method: Please download the file, (psverify.txt) and upload to your domain root without modifying its name. If you download this file several times it is possible that stored on your PC as psverify(1).txt, psverify(2).txt, etc... Please delete all psverify file in this case and start it over. This is a small textfile and it cannot harm your server in any form. Also you may verify if you uploaded the file correctly by opening yourdomain.com/psverify.txt it should display a text string.

Article Details

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Date added:
2013-09-29 09:27:54
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